Everybody loves a torch for their cigar, but is great to know how to use it. This shows you how I use a triple torch to properly light a cigar.
We’re going to show you the proper way to light a cigar. Now cigars are tough to light they’re big they’re thick they’re made of moist tobacco. It’s not like lighting a cigarette, which has paper around it. The cigar fights the flame so it takes some time to get it going whether you’re using matches or one of these lighters, but whichever method you decide to use, there is a right way to light a cigar.
Now I have a cigar here that I’ve already cut and trying to use this Jobon jet flame torch lighter to light my cigarette. And this is a triple flame lighter that was built specifically to light cigars now. We will found it uses old technology flint spark.
When struck against steel, flint will produce enough sparks to ignite a fire with the correct fuel, tinder, or gunpowder used in weapons.
I’ve turned the flame up but you’ll get, an idea of what a triple flame lighter is like when you turn it down a little bit it gets to be a large single flame. This is a torch lighter which I use to light cigars on the golf course it’s kind of like an acetylene torch, It’ll light a cigar in any kind of wind rain wherever it’s a great thing to have when you’re out playing golf.
Now all the lighters we’ve shown you here run on butane gas which is odorless, so it’s a proper way. The fuel reservoir is empty upon delivery for safety reasons. Before refilling a butane torch lighter, it is necessary to drain any remaining fuel from the lighter. If you’re thinking about a better torch lighter for your cigar lighting, this might work for it.